Sunday, September 13, 2009

Microsoft Excel Tutorials (1-5)- Assignment # 2


Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet-application written and distributed by Microsoft. Some of its features may include calculation, graphing tools, pivot tables and a macro programming language called VBA (Visual Basic for Applications). It is widely used across the world as one of the top spreadsheet applications software.

The series of videos that were viewed seeks to help viewers to understand and use the various features that excel offers. Information was imparted about inserting information in cells, formatting, calculating, saving and using a number of other features that Microsoft Excel offers.

Topics that were covered

Tutorial #1

• Creating Spreadsheets
• Inserting text and numbers in cells
• Labels creation
• Using the auto-series feature
• Using the auto sum feature
• Merging and Centering Information
• Formatting Text and Numbers (Bold, Underline, Background colour...)
• Inserting rows
• Clearing Formatting
• Border Insertion
• Chart Creation

Tutorial #2

• Inserting data in cells
• Eliciting and deleting cells
• Navigating the spreadsheet
• Adjusting column widths
• Saving Spreadsheets

Tutorial #3

• Calculating data (Multiplication, addition, subtraction and division)
• Cell Referencing
• Auto filling information
• Auto Sum feature

Tutorial #4

• Using Spreadsheet Functions (Average, maximum, minimum and count)
• Using the paste function feature
• Copying Formulas
• Saving Spreadsheets

Tutorial #5

• Formatting numbers (Currency, accounting, comma style, percentage)
• Pasting formatting
• Selecting and formatting non-adjacent cells
• Centering data in cells


The information disseminated in the videos was very informative. The videos pointed out how to do a number of activities in Microsoft Excel. As it relates to doing a particular activity at times alternative ways were shown. Overall the series of videos were very informative as the means of presentation was user friendly.